Picture Of The Day for Monday (January 30th)

Jana's Turn...
Yesterday we showed you what happened at WSU's latest event where an eight-woman tag team match turned into a free-for-all when Marti Belle was on the receiving end of some dirty teamwork in the opposition's corner. Luckily, Belle was able to get away from her multiple attackers and tag her partner, Jana, into the match. But Belle's luck was Jana's misfortune. After a brief flurry of offense, the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl found herself in the same unfortunate situation that befell her teammate. How can anyone survive when it's four against one?!
Scott Finkelstein
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Scott Finkelstein
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Scott Finkelstein
Bonus POD! Picture #4 Bonus POD!

Scott Finkelstein