AmyLee Takes Punishment?
May 5th's WEW show in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, found two ladies rocking the arena as G.L.O.R.Y. Girl AmyLee finally faced a challenger who may have her matched in toughness and rowdiness...Canadian Jaime D. We don't usually see AmyLee on this end of the punishment, but here she is, about to have her face smashed into the ring apron by her solidly built and muscular opponent. Of course, none of us would expect AmyLee to take this kind of punishment lying down. And she didn't!
Wrestlin' Wally

Amy Turns To The Steel
It wasn't long before our ill-tempered G.L.O.R.Y. blonde found a steel chair at ringside and put it to good use...as a battering ram to bash and crash her astonished opponent. Come on, Jaime! The sight of Amy swinging a steel chair surprises you? G.L.O.R.Y. fans consider this par for the course when Ms. Lee is in the house!
Wrestlin' Wally