A Bad Day For Kylie
It was a bad day for Kylie Pierce earlier this year when she faced fellow-G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Cindy Rogers for PWE in New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania. Looks like Kylie is finding it a little hard to breathe...unfortunately, Cindy doesn't look like she'a about to relinquish that grip on the brunette's throat!
But things are a little better for Kylie these days as she's had an update to her G.L.O.R.Y. profile. New profile info, new profile pictures, the addition of a Kylie Pierce Picture Gallery and some video of Ms. Pierce in action. Here's a quick link to the Kylie Pierce G.L.O.R.Y. Profile Page.
Sure beats having Cindy Rogers' hand around your windpipe!
Wrestlin' Wally