Going for the throat...
Ontario, Canada's Haley Rogers lets G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Aurora know that she means business in this GCW match from last year. That may look like a chinlock, but it's apparent from the expression on Aurora's face that Rogers' hold is more choke than chin! Well, maybe Haley intended to use a chinlock and her arm just slipped...
Wrestlin' Wally

...And then the hair!
Uhhh, probably not! Take a look at Rogers just a few moments later. After blasting Aurora to the mat, she decides to pull her opponent back up for more punishment...by using a couple of handfuls of that long, wavy hair. It's apparent from these shots that Haley Rogers is not only a beautiful lady, but she's also a violent one. Sounds like a perfect candidate for the G.L.O.R.Y. Girls roster.
And a part of the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl roster she will be! Watch for Canada's Haley Rogers to debut here on G.L.O.R.Y. Wrestling soon.
Wrestlin' Wally