Arriving in "AmyLee style"...
PWU celebrated their third anniversary with a spectacular show this past weekend that included a red carpet welcome for the wrestlers and luminaries in attendance. One of the people attending the show was both a wrestler AND a luminary...and she arrived in style! It was none other than our own G.L.O.R.Y. Girl AmyLee, who arrived on two wheels holding her PWU Women's Championship belt high overhead.

Red Carpet Rant!
Once on the red carpet, AmyLee's exuberance was evident as she gave press interviews. Luckily, PWU had the foresight to line the entrance to the arena with metal barricades. If not, who knows what could have happened if the overly-excited AmyLee and those fans intermingled. Take a look at the expression on the face of the kid between AmyLee and the interviewer. He looks like he's still trying to figure out just what to make of this tough-talking, leather-clad lady. But you know he's sure of one thing: he's going to stay on his side of the barricade!