"Name That Tune"...Lexi Lane Style!
You remember that old game show called "Name That Tune", right? Well, today we're going to play the game here on G.L.O.R.Y. Wrestling...only we're going to play it "Lexi Lane style".
Take a look at the beautiful and stunning G.L.O.R.Y. Girl above and what song comes to mind? For us, we thought of ZZ Top's "Legs". ("She's got legs...she knows how to use them.") Then The Tubes "She's A Beauty" came to mind. ("She's a beauty...a one-in-a-million girl.") Lexi's pose even popped Prince's "Kiss" into our head!
Do you want to play "Lexi Lane Name That Tune"? Take a look at Lexi's brand new G.L.O.R.Y. Profile and see if any other songs come to your mind. If some appropriate tunes hit you, post your ideas up on the G.L.O.R.Y. Message Board and see if any other G.L.O.R.Y. fans think your song choices ring the bell!