Photographer Spotlight: Teech
Today we continue our look at the photographers who have contributed much of the wonderful wrestling action we bring you everyday here on the G.L.O.R.Y. site. Today, we travel to the Midwest to bring you some of the work from long-time G.L.O.R.Y. fan Teech.
Taking in the shows in the Illinois/Ohio area, Teech has a soft spot in his heart for the two big promotions in his area that feature the ladies: SHIMMER and OCW. Today we'll focus on Teech's shots from OCW's Ladies Night Out 2008 event. In the shot above, we see Allison Danger being ping-ponged between fellow G.L.O.R.Y. Girls ODB and Sara del Rey as they pepper her with blows during a rowdy three-way match. Below, Teech catches the action at just the right moment...capturing Hellena Heavenly's intensity and Nevaeh's pain as a big forearm blow lands between the shoulder blades of the blonde. And then Teech captures the moment of victory perfectly as a smiling Josie pins the shoulders, hooks the leg and waits for the ref's hand to smack the mat for the third time.
Teech is always willing to share his photos with G.L.O.R.Y. fans and others. You can find his work featured on several sites, including his own Flickr site. Check out the links below to see more of Teech's photos!

