JAPW Action: West vs. East
Ed Darcey once again fills us in on one of the many great matches from this past weekend's JAPW women's event in Rahway, New Jersey. Today's match: G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Daizee Haze faces Raisha Saeed...
In a very intriguing, and never seen before matchup for JAPW, TNA's most disliked female manager and Middle Eastern battler, Raisha Saeed, faced off against the All-American Flower Child, Daizee Haze. The smaller, but quicker, Haze immediately took down her foe several times. However, the black-clad Saeed battled back, showing some very deceptive strength in tossing Haze around the ring...often times by the hair. She even took a page from Cheerleader Melissa's book, at one point hitting Daizee with the curb stomp!
But showing the resiliency that has become her trademark, Haze caught Saeed in a standing submission hold, locking her arms and legs around Raisha's arms and shoulders, looking for the tap out. But again Raisha's deceptive strength saved her. She drove the hippy gal into the corner, smashing Haze's back against the turnbuckle and forcing Daizee to release the hold. Still a bit shaken up, Saeed was caught in a flying body press off the ropes by the American. However, showing terrific agility, Raisha rolled through the pin attempt, hooked Daizee's legs and held her down for the three count, much to Haze's consternation!. Saeed then proceeded to thank Allah for the victory, by bowing to the East. Hopefully these two will face each other once again!
Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey