Unfamiliar Territory For Miss Rachel
Yesterday we showed you the beginning of the recent MLW match featuring powerhouse wrestlers Miss Rachel and Crystal Fire. G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Rachel found herself in an unfamiliar position: usually the aggressor in her matches, the brunette beauty instead was being punished by the rough Ms. Fire. But the worst was yet to come for Miss Rachel when Crystal Fire's aggression turned into outright cheating and ruthless punishment.
After weakening her opponent, Fire simply decided that hurting Rachel was more important than actually winning the match. What ensued was a choking spree that had the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl suffering mightily...maybe more than she had ever suffered in her ring career! Miss Rachel found herself choked down on the mat [above], against the bottom turnbuckle [Picture #2] and over the middle ring rope [ #3]. The out-of-control Fire then proceeded to stomp away at her weakened enemy...driving boot after boot into the upper-body and head of the cornered Rachel [ #4]. The pain and punishment of Miss Rachel continued with Crystal working on the shoulder and neck of the barefoot grappler as she dug her fingers into the muscles of the targeted area [ #5]. Wow! Look at the pain in Miss Rachel's face. We usually see that look on the faces of the opponents that she's dominating! Seems that in this match, Miss Rachel is learning how the other half lives!
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally