Lending A Hand?
A lady we haven't seen before here on the G.L.O.R.Y. Picture Of The Day
Del Solis got the early advantage as she worked the left shoulder, arm and wrist of her opponent with a painful arm bar [Picture #2]. So how did Simply Luscious reverse the situation? A brilliant counter? A show of strength to power out? Nope. She scrambled to grab the rope, forcing the referee to call for a break [ #3]. Yeesh!
Then it was Luscious' turn to lock on a hold. She decided to use the same maneuver that Del Solis used: a left arm bar. No problem...until she put her own twist on things by biting into the hand of the brunette wrestler [ #4]. And then look at how the vicious G.L.O.R.Y. Girl prolongs the agony of her opponent as she turns away from the referee so that he can't see her continuing to chomp down into the fingers of the screaming latina [ #5]. What a disgusting and cowardly display by the cheating Simply Luscious!
Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese