Workin' The Arms
When Miss Rachel stepped into the MLW ring to face fellow G.L.O.R.Y. Girl PINK a couple of weeks ago, she obviously had a strategy in mind to defeat the Texas wrestler: work the arms early and often! That's just what she did as PINK found her limbs being stretched, twisted and locked in a variety of positions. Whether she was standing, sitting or laying on the mat, PINK's arms probably took more abuse in this battle than they had in her last month's worth of matches. OUCH!
A few days ago we posted a news item on the front page of the G.L.O.R.Y. site with a link to a great Wrestlin' Wally interview with PINK. Did you read it yet? If not...why not?! Here's a quick link to Wally's PINK interview for ya.
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally