PWE Action: Rogers vs. Fate
PWE returned to York, Pennsylvania, Saturday night with G.L.O.R.Y. Girls Cindy Rogers and Fate stepping into the ring to renew their long feud. And Rogers was on the warpath! Much of the match found the Definition of Technician stretching and bending Fate's body to the four corners of the ring. At one point, Cindy concentrated on doing damage to her blonde opponent's left arm. The disturbing thing was Rogers' demeanor. It seemed that the more Fate suffered, the more Rogers enjoyed herself!
Trouble showed up, though, when Rogers couldn't get the submission that she so desperately wanted to hear. We'll show you the shocking conclusion of this match tomorrow...
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally