Arms, Abs Or Legs?
When looking at today's pictures of Daizee Haze...snapped by Wrestlin' Wally at a New Jersey event a couple of weekends ago...this question comes to mind: In what order does the spectacularly shredded G.L.O.R.Y. Girl workout those muscles?!
Does she first hit the dumbbells to do rep after rep of curls to build those hard biceps? Or does she hit the incline board first to do what has to be thousands of ab ripping situps per week? [Picture #2] Perhaps Daizee takes to the leg press machine when she first steps into the gym...grinding out a couple of hundred pounds on each rep? [ #3]
We're not sure what Daizee's exact lifting routine is, but we wouldn't doubt that she spends more time pushing iron than any other wrestler...male or female...on today's wrestling scene!
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally