Beauty & Violence II
Today, more ring violence courtesy of the two ladies who starred in yesterday's POD: Nicole Matthews and Jessie McKay. As their SHIMMER match continues, it's Matthews who begins to turn the tide in her favor. And no wonder. Look at the tactics she's using against her Australian opponent. An attack from outside the ring, a closed fist to the ribs, a boot to the throat...it's no wonder that the brutal Ms. Matthews was the ultimate victor in this beautifully violent battle!
Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #4 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #5 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally