The Girl We Love(d) To Hate
Perhaps the one female wrestler who is more universally unliked than any other is long-time G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Camron Star. For years she's been breaking the rules...and the bodies of her opponents!...much to the dismay of wrestling fans everywhere. But could Ms. Star have turned over a new leaf? Wrestlin' Wally was ringside last month in Marion, Indiana, when Star took on Destinee Blade for EWF. At the sound of the bell, Camron looked more wrestler than violent villain for a change. She surprised her opponent and the crowd, using arm bars, open handed chops instead of her usual fists and an ab claw attempt at a submission. Could the old, nasty Ms. Star be gone...replaced by a clean-fighting, follow-the-rules Camron? We'll learn more tomorrow...
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally