Destruction Of A Rookie
We're heading back to Tullahoma today to witness a lesson being taught by G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Sara del Rey. Title of the class: "How To Destroy A Rookie...Without Breaking The Rules". The unfortunate student in this torturous class is MLW rookie Kayla McMahon. We have to give the red-haired, tattooed wrestler credit. She had to have known that her chances of defeating the larger, more experienced del Rey were slim to none. But she stepped between the ropes anyway.
From the opening abdominal stretch, poor Kayla's fate was sealed as The Death Rey systematically took her apart piece by painful piece...starting off at the head and shoulders before working her way down to the arms, wrists and spine. While Sara seems, perhaps disturbingly, to be enjoying the torment she's bearing upon her barefooted opponent, we can't say that she's doing anything illegal. This destruction appears to be well within the bounds of the rules of MLW and pro wrestling in general.
And if you think Ms. del Rey stopped after torturing Kayla's back and spine...think again. The veteran was only halfway through the lesson. More tomorrow...
Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese