Jazz Mounts A Vicious Comeback
Over the last couple of days, we've watched as "NY Knockout" Nikki has bested former WWE star Jazz during their mid-March MLW match in Trenton, Tennessee. In fact, it was starting to look to us as though Nikki might very well be on her way to an impressive victory. But it seems we neglected to take Jazz's vicious streak into account. When Jazz was at the height of her troubles in this match, she stooped to the rough and rowdy rule breaking that has become her trademark. Take a look at the veteran as she digs into Nikki's face to secure her release from that leg hold. But it didn't end there. Even after her escape, Jazz continued to attack the knockout's face as she savagely raked across, dug her fingers into and tore away at the gorgeous features of the screaming G.L.O.R.Y. Girl. How nasty can you get?!
Brian Reese

Brian Reese

Brian Reese