I Get A Kick, You Give Me A Boot...
As Rebecca Lynn was driving to her recent MLW match and contemplating the strategy she would employ against opponent Veronica Fairchild, we have a feeling that Frank Sinatra must have come on her car radio...
"I get a kick,
You give me a boot,
I get a kick, out of you..."
We're sure that gave the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl some ideas about how to go about fighting the MLW champion. From the opening bell, Lynn put the boots to Fairchild...kicking and stomping away at the blonde's upper body, shoulders, back and head. The vicious attack worked, and before long Ms. Lynn's opponent was writhing on the mat in pain as she taunted her from above.
Brian Reese
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Brian Reese
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Brian Reese
Bonus POD! Picture #4 Bonus POD!

Brian Reese
Bonus POD! Picture #5 Bonus POD!

Brian Reese
Bonus POD! Picture #6 Bonus POD!

Brian Reese