Alere Little Feather
"Alere Little Feather is no gimmick. She's the real thing," says this strikingly-beautiful G.L.O.R.Y. Girl...and she's not kidding. This Native American wrestler began her wrestling career in

Alere Little Feather's Stats...
- Height: 5' 2"
- Weight: 120
- Hair: It changes...like my moods!
- Eyes: Green
- Hometown: Shinnecock Indian Reservation, Long Island, New York (USA)
Alere Little Feather's Profile...
- How It Started: I used to watch wrestling when I was little, but I stopped as I got older because I was playing sports and doing my own thing. I got back into wrestling in college when I walked into a friend's house and it was on the TV. I sat down not wanting to see it...but I ended up falling in love with it. It was different from when I was a kid. I loved the athleticism and the entertainment. I decided that since I was an athlete and loved to entertain, this was perfect for me. I contacted Steve Corino and he told me about the Cruel School. I went and that was it! I started training, got it in my blood, and now there's no looking back.
- Gimmick: It's me. I'm Native American, but I don't have to be all gimmicky. I like to fight...by the rules, usually! I have recently decided to go away from the traditional braids and be more of myself out there.
- Wrestling Style: My style varies depending on my opponent. But old school is definitely my favorite!
- Gear: Tribal, but with my own flair. Part of one of the outfits I wear used to be something I wore to the Powwow's at my Reservation as a teenager. I don't wear it for Powwow's anymore. So, I decided to incorporate something I used to wear with things I wear now. It brings that familiarity and makes me more comfortable in the ring. But if I'm wearing it, you can pretty much bet there will be some fringe there.
- Titles Held: 2004 WXW
Elite 8 Winner; WXW Women's Tag Team Champion; SSCW Women's Champion; NWL/HOPWF Ladies' Tag Champion; UWA Women's Champion; AWA-NJ Women's Champion; PWU Women's Champion; etc.... - Biggest Win: Beating Mercedez Martinez by the skin of my teeth in the finals of the 2004 WXW
Elite 8 Tournament. - Worst Loss: Every loss is terrible, but it's even worse when it's to a friend who chooses winning over friendship.
- Favorite Type of Match: Singles. Tag's are fun, too.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: "Tomahawk Chop Of Death" (named by Angel Williams); Indian Deathlock (variations); "Choke-a-hantas"; Hair-dog (modified bulldog); Fujiwara Armbars (and various combinations of my fav moves to get into the armbar); "A-Lere-ious" (hangman's neckbreaker); Flipping Neckbreaker.
- Finisher: Indian Deathlock (variations); "Alere-dust" (rolling stunner); roll ups; whatever works!
- Biggest Allies: Francine; Sumie Sakai; Steve Corino; Missy Sampson; Allison Danger; Malia Hosaka; Mana "The Polynesian Warrior"; Phoenix; Ariel; Tammy "Sunny" Sytch; "Pryme Tyme" AmyLee; Riptide (Angel Orsini); Jana; Nikki Roxx; ChaCha; Antonio "The Promise" Thomas.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Alicia; Cindy Rogers; Mercedes Martinez; Amber O'Neal; Talia; Little Jeanne; Ranmaru; Amber (Arion); anyone I choose not to like.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Mercedes Martinez; Little Jeanne; Phoenix; Angel Orsini; most of the men I have stepped in the ring against.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Chris Candido; Steve Corino; Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat; Ivory; Victoria; Malia Hosaka; Molly Holly; Low Ki; Homicide; Curt "Mr Perfect" Henning; Bret Hart; Rick Rude; Princess Victoria; ALL the females of the past who paved the way for us today!
- Wrestling Ambition: To learn as much as I can and be the best that I can be all the time. I'm in this for the long haul.
Alere Little Feather's Personal Notes...
I am a huge fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Moonlight and Smallville. I have every episode of Buffy & Angel!.....I enjoy the outdoors and sports. My favorite sport besides wrestling is American football and British soccer. My fav teams are the Philadelphia Eagles and Liverpool FC.....I love to learn new things and am an avid reader. I read all the time. Christopher Golden is my all-time favorite writer, but I enjoy reading Nora Roberts & Philippa Gregory.....I'm a history dork, but I love it!.....I also enjoy long walks on the beach. Hahaha...just kidding! Too much sand and jellyfish!
Essential Alere Little Feather Links...
- ALF's website: Alere Little Feather
- Alere on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/TomahawkChop