April Hunter
a.k.a. "The Prize, Big Red"
April Hunter became involved in wrestling as a WCW valet back in 1999...but it didn't take long for her to realize that she needed more. She needed to be inside of the ropes competing! So this beautiful redhead went into training, quickly becoming one of the most-popular indy wrestlers of the early 21st century. Unfortunately, injuries forced April to retire from in-ring competition in late-2007. Still, the brash, cocky, attitude-filled Hunter couldn't completely drag herself from the excitement of the wrestling business...so she simply shifted her focus back to managing! Now, Big Red uses the knowledge she gained while competing in the ring to help her men (and women) from ringside. It's no surprise that April's managerial skills are in big demand by professional wrestlers across the country. And on those rare occasions when Ms. Hunter is not near a wrestling ring, there's a good chance that you'll find her gracing the pages of some of the nation's most popular glamor magazines. Wrestling, managing, modeling...April Hunter can do it all!

April Hunter's Stats...
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 150
- Hair: Red
- Eyes: Hazel/Green
- Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA); Currently living in Louisville, Kentucky (USA).
April Hunter's Profile...
- How It Started: I had being modeling and doing fitness competitions...my issue of Playboy hit the news stands and WCW contacted me for an interview. I got hired as one of the nWo Girls. I later left to become a fully-trained wrestler at Killer Kowalski's wrestling school in Boston. While I was there, both WCW and ECW folded. I worked the indies and overseas (Japan, Europe, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, UK) wrestling and managing and am proud to say I'm one of the only western females to work repeated tours of Japan. Eventually, the injuries built up and I found I couldn't really do that level of in-ring athleticism any longer without it taking a crippling toll. So it was time to take off the wrist tape! But I still love being around the ring. Being a former wrestler, I feel I can offer quite a lot to any professional fighter I manage in addition to being eye candy...usually wins.
- Gimmick: I'm NOT a 5th ringpost. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty or my makeup smudged. I'm extremely loyal to the money and will do anything to insure a win for my clients. And at
5' 9" and150 lbs, I do mean ANYTHING. - Outfit/Costume: Whatever makes me look good and my "gimmicks" stand out. I'm not a TOTAL bruiser, ya
know. ; ) - Manager Of: JD Michaels, who I do pro bono because I feel this Canadian superstar on the rise has got the talent to go very, very far. But I'll work with anyone who's got the cash to pay me.
- Have Managed: Maven...his checks were always good; Mima Shimoda...the female Hulk Hogan of Japan; Traci Brooks; Alex Shane...British Sterling is always a plus; Are$...Swiss banks are all good; Talia; Nikki Roxx...another pro bono case, but hey, I know talent and the girl has "it"!; There are many others but their names are escaping me at the moment. I'm sure they remember mine, however.
- Biggest Allies: I keep my personal business and friends out of wrestling. I have no friends in this business...just associates and whoever pays me. I've even worked against my own fighters if I've been paid that way.
- Most-Hated Enemies: See above and deduce your own conclusion.
- Career Highlight: I've won Best Manager awards more times than I can count. It's not necessary, but IS always nice to have my talents recognized by the business.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Eddy Guererro; Sensational Sherry; Madusa; Bull Nakano; Cima; Ayako Hamada; Kurt Angle; Kid Kash; JD Michaels; Dean Malenko; Jimmy Hart; Jaqueline; Tajiri; Leona (from AtoZ); Yossino; Cody Deaner.
- Wrestling Ambition: To win and to get paid while doing it. That's about it. No one really cares about the second place losers, do they? I mean, do YOU remember who got Silver at the Olympics? Yeah, neither do I.
April Hunter's Personal Notes...
I love movies. Indy, foreign, action, comedy, you name it.....I absolutely hate traffic, left lane hogs going the speed limit ONLY and people who think they own the road. And hey, stay outta the EZ pass lane if you DON'T HAVE EZ PASS!.....I like to read and am somewhat of a journalist (sign up on my site for the free newsletter!).....I hate doing laundry almost as much as I hate traffic. I will put that off for DAYS if I can.....I'm a huge fan of yoga and good restaurants.....I do all the work on my site myself and am a photographer on the side (studied at NESOP in Boston).....I have a little Corgi dog (woman's best friend) who manipulates me and my life
Essential April Hunter Links...
- April's site (Over 18 only!): AprilHunter.com
- April on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/AprilHunterOfficial
- April's Photography on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/AprilHunterPhotography