a.k.a. Lucy Furr
How could anyone fail to notice Daffney

Strange, unpredictable, indescribable...Daffney!

Daffney with her #1 ally, MsChif.

Daffney is also known as Lucy Furr.

Daffney dishes out destruction and decibels!
Daffney's Stats...
- Height: 5' 5"
- Weight: 125
- Hair: Blackish
- Eyes: Changes!
- Hometown: Sybil, Texas (USA)
Daffney's Profile...
- How It Started: It's in my blood.
- Gimmick: The Scream Queen!
- Titles Held: WCW Cruiserweight Championship; Alabama NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion; Carolinas' Female Wrestler of the Year 2007 & 2008.
- Biggest Win: Haven't had one. Not real big on winning...just putting on a good show.
- Worst Loss: Losing to Rachel Summerlyn in our "Falls Count Anywhere" Match.
- Favorite Type of Match: Probably singles with a manger...cuz managers rule.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: "Leggo My Eggos"; "Hosaka KICK!" (Courtesy of Malia Hosaka); "The Fyfe Drop" (Courtesy of Lexie Fyfe); "Lance Crab".
- Finisher: "Daff-knees".
- Biggest Allies: MsChif (My twin.); Lexie (A true sister.); Nikki Roxx (The other half of my brain!).
- Most-Hated Enemies: I love everybody.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Kong, maybe?
- Career Highlight: WCW Cruiserweight Champion; taking figure-four from Ric Flair; being piledriven by Terry Funk; coining the phrase: "Shimma down, meow"; breaking in Summerlynn.
- Favorite Wrestlers: "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning.
- Wrestling Ambition: To stay in the business as long as I can.
Essential Daffney Links...
- Daff's website: Daffney's House
- Daffney on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/Daffanatic4Life