a.k.a. Trinity H. Campbell
Opponents and fans alike never know what to expect when the dark and unpredictable DellaMorte hits the ring. This

DellaMorte's Stats...
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 190
- Hair: Red
- Eyes: Green
- Hometown: Salem, Massachusetts (USA)
DellaMorte's Profile...
- How It Started: It's a long story! I joined wrestling as many I've met do...looking for a place to belong. I never had the happy home life I hear so many people praising: my mother was abusive and kept me and my sister locked inside. At school, I simply did not belong. I did have some fun though. I recall weekend visits watching wrestling with my father. He'd play-wrestle with my sister and me...and though he'd been classically trained himself, he imitated the moves we saw on television just for us. With such a miserable childhood spent with my mother, I came to savor those happy moments with my father. I was ultimately banned from watching wrestling (my mother's doing) but kept those fond memories. Years later, one of my few friends took me to a live event and I was immediately drawn back into watching wrestling. I wasn't yet bitten by the bug entirely. ECW did that. A friend turned me on to that organization. So when it arrived in Louisiana, I drove hours just to see them...and loved it! I hung out in the building after the show just to meet these people who looked like they had so much fun entertaining. I met Balls Mahoney and through him finally found a group, a place, I felt I belonged...with the wrestlers. Balls introduced me to Jason Knight, and when I discovered he was opening a school...well, my background in theatre and basketball made the transition to wrestler too tempting to resist. I packed up and moved to my sister's place in the northeast. The adventure begins.
- Gimmick: Della Morte...gothic...has personified the darkness inside herself...she's the battered girl in a woman's body who knows little of love, mostly pain and suffering...and so deals that out to everyone she possibly can. Trinity H. Campbell...my original name in wrestling...a more outgoing version of myself...with a punk rock say & do anything attitude and innate drive to just get out there and wrestle!
- Wrestling Style: Adaptable. Like many of the true women wrestlers, I can change my style for my opponent. I favor submissions (pain!) overall, but I also enjoy mixing up my technical mat game with power moves. I'm not opposed to coming off the top turnbuckle or dishing out a little Japanese flavor just to keep an opponent guessing. I hate predictability.
- Gear: As DellaMorte, I adore my black. Be it velvet or vinyl, it just feels like home. My painted eyes are my trademark. The darker my mood, the more intricate the design. Trinity H. Campbell wears whatever is handy...currently favoring a plaid punk school girl dress!
- Titles Held: GMW Women's Champion; Co-holder UWA Tag Team Champion; SCCW Women's Champion; ACWA Women's World Championship Title (formerly ACWA Women's Championship).
- Biggest Win: Pinning Alex Breslin in Ireland to take back the title, essentially making the ACWA Women's Title a World Championship and showing up the little brat in her own country!
- Worst Loss: To Valentina at the second WEW PPV. What a humiliation. Truly, I had that match won!
- Favorite Type of Match: As long as I'm wrestling, anything goes!
- Favorite Moves/Holds: I love tying up an opponent in the pendulum or nailing one of any number of suplexes or slams. I also adore coming off the top turnbuckle for my senton or flying clothesline!
- Finisher: "Lucidity": a modified sit-out bodyslam. I also have a particularly brutal DDT.
- Biggest Allies: Eric Egoh; Mike Valley; Miss DeVille.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Miss DeVille. (Keep your friends close and enemies closer!)
- Career Highlight: There are many so far. The best would be the trip to Ireland where I met many great people and had some of my finest matches to date. Other highlights are the match I worked with Little Jeanne, the mixed tag with Luna Vachon & Gangrel, and finally, my favorite three-way match with Kayla Sparks & Miss DeVille from NWA-GM...a hard fought battle that I wound up winning. Hopefully, the best is yet to come.
- Favorite Wrestlers: I always admired the women in wrestling, American and Japanese specifically.
- Wrestling Ambition: To get as far as I can, be it WWE, TNA or Japan. I mostly want to get out there and wrestle!
DellaMorte's Personal Notes...
I've lived in five different states in my life, yet it's difficult for me to call anywhere my hometown since what little family I had is scattered now. My father lives in Oregon and my sister is stationed near Baghdad in Iraq, serving in the US Army. Currently I babysit her two-year old black and white kitty, "Munchichi", until such time she returns home. I also have my ten-year old Tigger (he's made the move through four of the five states) who is adept at blocking an entire hallway!.....For all my ringside antics, I am a very reserved person that had to take theatre in order to be able to approach anyone at all to talk. Now my friends tell me I'm one of the funniest people they know.....I love to entertain. The first standing ovation I received hooked me on entertaining for life!.....I do write poetry, usually dark in tone (how did you guess?), and I'm working on compiling everything to send around for publishing.....I can understand Spanish pretty well, plus a smattering of French, German and Italian.....I have three tatoos I got while in Texas, as well as four piercings.....I currently own about 75 candles in various colors, as well as a small collection of stones. In addition to rocks, I collect Kit Rae blades, Rawcliffe pewter, Windstone dragons and Elfquest comics.....I enjoy the topics of psychology, mythology and the supernatural.....Favorites! I love Charlie's Angels, Blade, Willow, Seven, Ghost Ship and Pirates of the Caribbean.....I listen to almost any type of music, but adore KoRn, Snoop Dogg, Marilyn Manson and The Doors.....My favorite author is currently Brian Lumley, though I did enjoy Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles.....On my list of things to do before I go: visit Japan and Egypt....."I hasten to laugh at everything for fear I may be obliged to
Essential DellaMorte Links...
- Visit the dark side of DellaMorte at...: www.LadyDella.com