Screaming. Devilish-looking, horror show dolls. Crazy face makeup. Black ring gear. Discord is not your average wrestler. In fact, she's out in her own disturbed world. But all of that works to Discord's advantage when the crazed, freakish, goth-girl hits the ring. She's as tough and dangerous a competitor as you'll find on the women's wrestling scene. Although she's still a relatively new wrestler, don't underestimate her! Discord's unpredictability inside the ropes always makes her a threat to come away with a victory.

Discord's Stats...
- Height: 5' 7"
- Weight: 170
- Hair: Black
- Eyes: Hazel
Discord's Profile...
- How It Started: I used to watch wrestling when I was much younger. Throughout high school I'd watch it as well...that's when I really wanted to become a wrestler. When WXW started having shows in a nearby town, I would go to every event. Eventually I started ring announcing for them, then training. And now I am what I am.
- Gimmick: I am a gothic-looking chick who comes to the ring with my dolls. I scream a lot and do whatever the voices tell me to do. I try to beat people up regardless of who my opponent is. I can also pull out a technical or power move every so often. Ya never know what I'll do.
- Wrestling Style: I was trained old school, so thats the basis of my style. But I also do what it takes to try and win. If that means making you tap by submission or beating you to a pulp, so be it. Sometimes I'll just snap and choke you out.
- Gear: Basic black...occasionally mixed with red or purple. I bring out one of my dolls every time I head to the ring. Sometimes if I think I'll need it, I'll bring my whip with me. I always have some sort of crazy makeup design on my face too.
- Titles Held: ACPW Women's Championship.
- Biggest Win: My biggest win might have been my triple threat against Monique and Heatty. If not that, then definitely my casket match against Acid Zero.
- Worst Loss: Every time I lose its my worst...can't beat Kacee for the title, couldn't beat Annie Social at the
Elite 8 and Monique has won every time we faced each other one-on-one. It's horrible! - Favorite Type of Match: As long as I"m beating someone up, it doesn't matter.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: I use all your basic moves. Nothing fancy just yet...
- Finisher: "The Masochism" (similar to a Kryptonite Crunch or Finlay's Celtic Cross).
- Biggest Allies: No one except my dolls.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Everyone that tries to stop me.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Kacee Carlisle.
- Career Highlight: In no particular order: Participating in WXW's 2007
Elite 8; My casket match against Acid Zero; Being put on WXW's Ladies Night DVD; Winning the ACPW Women's Title. - Favorite Wrestlers: I have too many.
- Wrestling Ambition: Right now I'm just taking things as they come. If I get to go on to bigger things, so be it. If not, I'm fine working the indies.
Discord's Personal Notes...
I hate talking about myself this long.....Um, I work and I wrestle.....Another passion of mine is music. Wherever there is music, I'll be happy.....I don't have time for much else.
Latest Discord News...
* On May 17th, I won the ACPW Women's Championship from Roxie Cotton.
* Next on my agenda for ACPW is taking on Annie Social on May 31st.
* And just when Roxie thought she could get away, I will be coming for her on
Essential Discord Links...
- Discord's MySpace: www.MySpace.com/DiscordWXW
- Discord's home fed: WXW
- Discord wrestles for: ACPW