Foxy Foxxy
a.k.a. Foxxy Dreams
Still in her mid-20's, Foxy Foxxy has already been involved in the wrestling business for almost a full decade. During that time, this sexy and ambitious lady had established a name for herself throughout the Connecticut, New Jersey and New York area as an exciting wrestler, outstanding ring announcer, accomplished referee and beautiful ringside manager! The versatile Foxy is quickly climbing the ladder of success in the wrestling business. Don't be surprised when you see this self-described "Punk Rock Pin-Up Girl" hit the big time. She's certainly well on her way!

Foxy Foxxy's Stats...
- Height: 5' 3"
- Weight: 113
- Hair: Random! But right now, hot pink and red.
- Eyes: Brown
- Hometown: Soho, New York (USA)
Foxy Foxxy's Profile...
- How It Started: I've been a wrestling fan for as long as I can remember. When I was younger, my goal was to be Miss Elizabeth, but what little girl who loved wrestling didn't? Growing up, I didn't think that I'd ever be able to have a wrestling career. I wasn't athletic, and had little to no self-confidence. When I was 16, I attended my first ever independent show for ECPW, which had a school in Parsippany, NJ. I figured I had nothing to lose and a lot to gain, so I called the school. My parents and I had a couple meetings with Gino Caruso, and after begging & pleading with my parents, and some money negotiations, I signed-up to begin training as a manager. I began training on my 17th birthday. The school was male-dominated at that point, so I trained with the boys, as a boy, picking up my share of wrestling, as well as managing and referring, and the psychology of the three. For a year I put up and broke down rings for them all over the East Coast, began ring announcing, and was their substitute music tech. I was taught to do as much as you could before ever stepping into a ring. Paying your dues, ya'know? My hard work paid off on my 18th birthday, when I debuted as Foxy. The rest, as they say, is history.
- Gimmick: I've been everything that is an extension of my personality. I've been the primadonna, the 80's chick, the glam-goth girl, the punk girl...I've even impersonated Britney Spears and Veruca Salt! Now I think I'm more grounded in my look and personal style which is pure heavy metal chic. As long as I match what my wrestler is wearing, I am still "Foxxy".
- Wrestling Style: Mostly technical wrestling, some brawling...with a few aerial maneuvers under my belt.
- Gear: Whatever I feel like making the week before, since I make my own ring gear. It usually consists of shorts or skirts though. I still have my old gear which I will wear on occasion...a flame two piece short set and my black jumpsuit.
- Titles Held: 2002's Sexiest Female in JCW! And first ever AWA Women's Champion in 2004.
- Biggest Win: 2002's Sexiest Female in JCW. The winner was determined by the fans, and I set myself up for disappointment. So to hear that I had won meant the world to me. Since it was determined by the fans, it made me feel like all my hard work was beginning to pay off.
- Worst Loss: I said it once, and I will say it a million times: ECPW Bikini Contest! Losing to Joe Rules, who was wearing nothing but a Speedo! Dear God, make the images go away!!!
- Favorite Type of Match: Intergender tag match. It's the best of multiple worlds. You can roll around with the other female in the match for eye candy, you can get in there with the other guy and show you're more than eye candy, and my wrestler is there the whole time to cheer me on.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Tornado DDT; "Route 666".
- Finisher: "Shot Of Poison": an inverted neck breaker.
- Biggest Allies: "Disturbed" Damian Dragon; Ken Scampi; Dan Barry; Mikey Whipwreck; Slim Jenkins; Jai Kronic; "Cold Hearted Playa" Danny Demanto; Dellamorte.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Prince Charles and, always, Luxurious Lynne.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Val Dictorian (a.k.a. Natalia) of PWF-Mayhem in the New England area. She's tough, but gave me one of my best matches. Also Tara Charisma. We only wrestled once, but that was definitely my number one match.
- Career Highlight: I don't necessarily have just one. Since day one in wrestling, every moment has been memorable, whether it be to wrestle or ref or ring announce or manage. Each time I go to the ring, it's a different experience. I surprise the fans and the locker room, as well as myself. I'd have to say that my entire career thus far has been my career highlight.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Simon Diamond; Christopher Daniels; Chris Candido (R.I.P.); Randy Orton; Christian Cage; and the ECW alumni, male and female.
- Wrestling Ambition: My wrestling ambition was to be in ECW, but we all know that's not going to happen. I just hope to be used to the best of my abilities and not be short-changed in my potential. I'd like to be associated with the next indy federation that gains some mainstream notoriety. As long as I'm happy and having fun, I'm just concerned with tomorrow.
Foxy Foxxy's Personal Notes...
I am addicted to tattoos! Currently I have nine: a flame on my upper left breast, a heart with "666" on my ankle, a set of trailing hearts up my calf stemming from the ankle tattoo, the beginning of my spinal piece (which begins with the Disturbed smiley face logo on the back of my neck), a butterfly with shredded wings between my shoulder blades, a set of four playing cards "Vegas" style with the word Foxxy being spelled out and a heartagram with flames below it, ending with a tribal design I drew on my lower back, and the Marilyn Manson swirl heart logo on my right wrist. There will be more ink soon!.....My favorite actors are Stephen Dorff, Ryan Reynolds, Nicolas Cage and Brandon Lee (R.I.P.).....My favorite actresses are Rose McGowan, Parker Posey and Brittnay Murphy.....My musical tastes vary. I am very eclectic. My CD collection ranges from Elvis to No Doubt to Tori Amos to Type O Negative. I tend to listen to heavy metal and industrial rock primarily. My favorite bands are Disturbed and H.I.M., in case you couldn't tell.....I love vintage muscle cars and big trucks. Here are a few of my other favorite things...cartoon characters: Tinkerbell and Betty Boop; comic book characters: Rouge and Harley Quinn; scent: coconut and mango, things that remind me of summer; season: summer; holiday: Halloween (and my birthday, I'm a scorpio).....One of my many hobbies is fashion design.....I adopt too many cats, I have four: Trouble, Star, Shinoda and Sushi.....I love karaoke and I'm addicted to Guitar Hero 2.....I am a Scorpio in every definition of the meaning.....Anything else about me is pretty much known to everybody else.
Essential Foxy Foxxy Links...
- Foxy on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/FoxyFoxxy
Foxy Foxxy Video