Heather Divine
An old-school heel from the Lonestar State, Heather Divine's ambition is gold plated...and she'll make sure that nothing

Heather Divine's Stats...
- Height: 5' 3"
- Weight: 130
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Hometown: White Sands, New Mexico (USA)
Heather Divine's Profile...
- How It Started: I grew up watching wrestling. My fondest early memories are being huddled on the couch late Saturday Nights with my dad and brother watching the Von Erichs and the Freebirds. I went to my first independent show to meet Shawn Michaels and became fascinated with the business. I wouldn't rest until I was involved.
- Gimmick: I'm a bad girl who is only interested in the GOLD!
- Wrestling Style: I'm an old-school rule-breaker who'd much rather grapple a full match than go flying off the turnbuckles!
- Gear: I've had my boots for over five years, made by the remarkable Clifford Macias. Other than those, look for me in anything shiny, sparkly and DIVINE!
- Titles Held: CTPW Intergender Title; CTPW Women's Title; LSWA Women's Title; TXW Women's Title; UCW Women's Title; SWF Women's Title.
- Biggest Win: My biggest win was scoring the CTPW Intergender Title from the incomparable Flaming Rose in June of 2001.
- Worst Loss: My hardest loss was losing the CTPW Women's Title to Char Starr in December of 2001.
- Favorite Type of Match: I like to mix it up with intergender matches every now and then, but my favorite type of match is an old-school one-on-one slobberknocker!
- Favorite Moves/Holds: My favorite moves to do are leg drops, sidewalk slams and I'm a huge fan of bulldogs!
- Finisher: "Divine Intervention"
- Biggest Allies: Me, myself and I!
- Most-Hated Enemies: After carrying on rivalries with some of the top ladies in Texas for the past 7+ years, right now I'm feuding with SWF's Fair Kitty.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Char Starr was always a rough and tumble competitor, as well as Nayati and Ann R. Key, just to name a few!
- Career Highlight: The show that stands out most thus far was in Hidalgo, Texas...sharing the roster with Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger and others. I took on Char Starr in front of almost 3,000 fans!
- Favorite Wrestlers: Molly Holly.
- Wrestling Ambition: I hope to be able to continue traveling and meeting unique and interesting people from all over the world, while doing what I love best.
Heather Divine's Personal Notes...
I love my family above all else!.....I'm a little nerdy but enjoy my hobbies very much.....Wrestling, though, is the one place in the world that I truly feel like I belong. I owe so much to the industry and my trainer, George De La Isla, for believing in me and supporting me. He gave me a whole new life!
Latest Heather Divine News...
Right now I'm looking forward to beginning to work with Warriors 4 Christ Wrestling and OSF in San Antonio! Keep an eye on my website for upcoming dates!
Essential Heather Divine Links...
- Ms. Divine's site: www.HeatherDivine.com