Hollie Wood
A wrestling fan since she was eight years old, Hollie Wood got involved in the wrestling business as a ringside and backstage photographer. But, being that close to the action, it didn't take long for Ms. Wood to catch the wrestling bug herself. She wanted more! Soon, she rose to the position of ringside manager. Still more training followed as Hollie had her eye on competing inside the ropes. Lots of hard work later, Hollie Wood is now wrestling for RCW and looking towards championship gold!

Hollie Wood's Stats...
- Height: 5' 3"
- Weight: Just perfect!
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Blue
- Hometown: Tinsel Town (USA)
Hollie Wood's Profile...
- How It Started: My dad would always take my sister to indy shows and I got left at home...until I was about 8, when my dad finally took me and my best friend. We were so pumped because my dad bought us front row seats! We were into the show the whole night. We even got into it with the ref because the heel was using brass knuckles. My love for wrestling lasted until about a year after I graduated high school. Then, when my son was 4, I started taking him to see RCW shows. I began to fall back in love with wrestling...and also I fell in love with the senior official! Six months later I became RCW's photographer and, being that close to the action, you always want to take the next step up. So I started training with RCW's training school to become a manager...and soon, a wrestler!
- Gimmick: I'm perky and bubbly outside of the ring. But as soon as that bell rings, I'm ready to fight.
- Wrestling Style: Old school and technical. No nonsense...I'm still a lady in the ring.
- Gear: I like to keep it simple. Black pants with a bright colored top.
- Titles Held: None yet. I'm still a rookie at wrestling. But I do see some gold in my future.
- Biggest Win: RCW's Bunkhouse Battle of Royal, which led me to my next match for the #1 contender spot for RCW's Heavyweight World Title.
- Worst Loss: Any loss is bad, but losing to Tyson Rogers was a heart breaker.
- Favorite Type of Match: I've only had intergender matches. I would love to do some singles and tag matches.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Drop kick; claw; leg sweeps; ankle lock.
- Finisher: "Hollywood Sunset"; "Star Factor".
- Biggest Allies: Randy "The King" Allen; "The Livewire" Chris Smith; Tank Runyon; The American Idol Dirk Extreme.
- Most-Hated Enemies: WOMD: Tyson Rogers, Wes Cannon and RangerBob; The GODS: The Juggulator, Judas Thorn and The Mastermind.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Tyson Rogers...he's one big guy!
- Career Highlight: Being the first women to graduate from RCW's training school. Being in the main event with RCW's Heavyweight Champion Tank Runyon along with Flash Fury as my tag team partners.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Penny Banner; Roddy Piper; Molly Holly; Honky Tonk Man; Terry Funk; Ivan Koloff; Ole Anderson.
- Wrestling Ambition: As long as I'm having fun, that's great! We all would love to make it big but not all of us can. I enjoy entertaining the fans, especially the little girls, and showing them that it's best to be a lady.
Hollie Wood's Personal Notes...
I have a wonderful seven year old son Ivan, who is my biggest fan.....My dad (Joe) will come out and watch me wrestle with my niece and nephew (Madison and Zacharie), but my mom (Lou) is afraid I'll get hurt and stays home. But don't tell Grandma I wrestle, she'll get mad!.....I'm working hard to finish up my bachelor's degree in Athletic Training.....I enjoying cooking, photography, spelunking, video games and the History Channel.....I have a blast going to comedy clubs and traveling with my wonderful boyfriend Mike, who has been such a great supporter!
Essential Hollie Wood Links...
- Hollie's Website: Hollie-Wood.com
Hollie Wood Video