Hollywood was one of a handful of ladies who helped make GLOW one of the most popular wrestling programs on television in the late-80s...and she's still going strong! As part of the tag team Hollywood & Vine, this athletic lady gave opponents fits with her cocky attitude and in-ring ability

Hollywood's Stats...
- Height: 5' 7"
- Weight: 123
- Hair: Reddish brown
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hometown: Los Angeles, California (USA)
Hollywood's Profile...
- How It Started: I was working as a phelbotomist in a medical facility and received a phone call from a casting company. It was for an audition in Hollywood, California at the Hyatt on Sunset for the show GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling). I beat out over 500 battling beauties for a slot! Mondo Guerrero/Pepper trained me for GLOW. Gene Lebell and Cheryl Rusa worked with me from then on.
- Gimmick: Street wise tough girl from LA who does not take "NO" for an answer!
- Wrestling Style: Old-school brawler.
- Gear: Usually black two-piece with studs and black boots. Sexy is the word!
- Titles Held: GLOW Tag Team Title.
- Worst Loss: When I broke my leg against a gal in 1998 in Los Angeles, CA. I did not think I would wrestle again.
- Favorite Type of Match: I love tags, singles matches and mixed matches. The more the merrier I always say.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Figure-4's; camel clutches; double arm-drags; Scorpion Death Lock.
- Finisher: The British Bulldog; crucifix.
- Biggest Allies: Diva Las Vegas (Crystal Carmichael); Innocence; Big Bad Mama (Lynne Braxton); Hurricane Havana; Cheryl Rusa.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Ya know...I don't hate anyone at all. I just love this sport! It keeps you in great shape!
- Career Highlight: Wrestling for four seasons on the GLOW television show and working with CRUSH in 2003. Also, being able to travel all over the world!
- Favorite Wrestlers: Jesse The Body Ventura (back in the day!); Mondo Guerrero
- Wrestling Ambition: To continue my success as a wrestler/manager/valet and to be back wrestling on TV again! Also, to expand myself as the businesswoman I have become.
Hollywood's Personal Notes...
On my off days, I love to go see my friends' bands play and support them.....I like to cook. I love sushi, steak, seafood and pizza.....I hit the gym and bicycle often.....I'm currently going to school for updating websites and learning Dreamweaver and other programs. I start Photoshop this Spring!.....I have a cat named Keekster who I love very much. And I also have a fish named Mr. Blue.....I have traveled quite a bit: Japan, Malaysia, Hong Kong, London, Paris, Zurich, Switzerland, Canada, The Yucatan, Panama and all over the USA. My favorite place was Cozumel and seeing the ruins in Chichen Itza!....I love to hear from the fans! Feel free to email me at: hollymwood@sbcglobal.net
Essential Hollywood Links...
- Visit Hollywood's professional Web site...: JeanneBasone.com