Kiley McLean
Powerful 5' 10", 200-pound Kiley McLean has been busy...busy mowing down opponents in the Mid-Atlantic region with reckless abandon. Once a fan favorite, Kiley used to draw upon her Scottish heritage for strength and support in her quest for championship gold. But, to the horror of her fans everywhere, she soon realized that strength and support weren't enough...so she decided to simply ignore the rules of the ring! Now this Scottish lass has turned into a Scottish terror as her power, skill and ruthless attitude have been decimating opponents.

Kiley McLean's Stats...
- Height: 5' 10"
- Weight: 200
- Hair: Reddish-brown
- Eyes: Green
- Hometown: Highland Springs, VA (USA) by way of St. Kilda, Scotland.
Kiley McLean's Profile...
- How It Started: My grandfather and I watched wrestling when I was little...that was "OUR" thing. When he passed away when I was thirteen, I stopped watching. Then I had a group of friends that were really into the Indy's, so I got hooked again on the "fan side". I assisted a local cable access show that showcased the Indy's and Japanese/Mexican style wrestling. I was invited to VWF's open house...got in the ring, took a few bumps, fell in love with the "in ring" side of the business...and the rest is history.
- Gimmick: I lean heavily upon my Scottish ancestry. I'm always defending the McLean clan pride with power moves to remind the world that you don't mess with Scotland.
- Wrestling Style: I'm a power wrestler with plenty of technical moves thrown in for spice.
- Gear: I wear the McLean plaid tartan kilt and have flames on my face.
- Titles Held: VWF Ladies Title; RAM Ladies Title; GWA Women's Title; All-Star Ladies Title; All-Star Hardcore Ladies Title; GWA West Women's Title.
- Biggest Win: I was in a Battle Royal for the Ladies Title and went to a 25 minute draw against Lady Scorpion. We then came back and I defeated Lady Scorpion for the VWF Ladies Title that Rustee "The Foxx" Thomas had put on the line.
- Worst Loss: I lost a tag match to Lady Anarchy and Suni Beach. At the end, my partner and I were attacked by Rustee "The Foxx" Thomas. She chose her weapon of choice...which ended up being a chair. She rained havoc on my partner "The Rage" Nikki Star and my head.
- Favorite Type of Match: My favorite type of match would be intergender tag matches. Due to my height and body build, it gives me I get a chance to do a little rope action.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: My favorite move is "The Celtic Knot"...which is also one of my secret finishers.
- Finisher: My submission finisher is "The Celtic Knot". Otherwise, I just pound my opponent through the mat with suplexes and powerbombs until they are road kill...which is most of the time.
- Biggest Allies: Dragan Frost...I team up with him for intergender tags and we're known as "The Elements of Destruction".
- Most-Hated Enemies: Any man, women or beast who dares step into the squared-circle with me. It doesn't matter who they are. Today my friend...tomorrow the mortician's next pay check. I don't care who they are or what they THINK they are...to me they are a little pest to eliminate on my way to getting where I want to go.
- Career Highlight: Being able to work with, against and to learn from Rustee "The Foxx" Thomas and J.T. Smith.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Wahoo MacDaniel.
- Wrestling Ambition: My ambition, where wrestling is concerned, is to work in as many different areas as possible. I want to be like Rustee in that she's traveled the world and has had people worship her as a face--and want her blood as heel. She is the one person that keeps me going when this business starts kicking you in the arse.
Kiley McLean's Personal Notes...
When I first looked into being a wrestler, I really had to think about what made me desire this business so badly that it's like a drug. I finally realized it--when I won my first title and I cried. Not because I won the thing, but because I remembered my Grandfather and all the fun we had watching wrestling. He would jump up and yell at the television, "Hit him again! Knock his block off!"...and then spit into the spittoon next to his recliner! Since wrestling came on at 11:30pm I definitely should not have been up, since I was only five years old. He would sneak into the room that I shared with my cousins when we visited my grandparents, get me up, and then he would load me up on chocolate ice cream. This was our time when I didn't have to "share him" with my brothers and sisters (there was a total of six of us!) and my cousins...it was just the two of us. I felt so special and I wasn't called "Baby Girl"--he treated me like I was a teenager. To a five year old that was just like being a grown up! So, when I won the title, I looked up at the sky and said: "This one's for you Granddaddy, I hope you're proud of me." The funny thing is, during my match someone actually yelled: "Hit her again! Knock her block off."
Essential Kiley McLean Links...
- Visit Kiley's site...: Kiley McLean