Kristin Flake
Beautiful Kristin Flake knew she wanted to be a wrestler from the time she was

Kristin Flake's Stats...
- Height: 5' 4"
- Weight: 140
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Green
- Hometown: Gainesville, Florida (USA)
Kristin Flake's Profile...
- How It Started: I started watching wrestling around the age of 12 of so and I just got completely hooked on it! As a teen, I went and trained with Dory Funk for a short period of time during a summer break from school. Unfortunately, I suffered a back injury (not in the ring) and had to take several years off. Then, at 19, I moved to North Carolina and started valeting for CWF Mid-Atlantic. I took some more time off for school. And then in 2007 I started training full-time with a friend, the Kamakazi Kid...and here I am!
- Wrestling Style: I'm a bit more technical/strong style than anything else.
- Gear: I sometimes do the skirt and fishnets thing. But you're more likely to see me in pink and black shorts and a shirt with "Good Sport" on it.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: I love different roll-ups and creative chain wrestling.
- Finisher: Facebuster; front facelock-drop.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Brandi Richardson; Jesse Jordan; Amber O'Neal; Persephone.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Amber O'Neal and Persephone by far!
- Career Highlight: There have been a few things that stick out in my head...one being a show on a car lot. The fans were into it, it was fun being outside and my opponent (Amber O'Neal) made the match a good one!
- Favorite Wrestlers: Sarah Stock and Evan Bourne are my top two right now!
- Wrestling Ambition: To continue to travel, work great girls and get more experience. I'd love to go to Mexico to work.
Kristin Flake's Personal Notes...
I love fitness! I've been a gym rat since the age of 15.....I have a wonderful puppy, Cage, who is my heart and soul.....I really enjoy traveling. Sometimes I'll just get in the car and drive for an hour or more just to explore and see what's around.....Hiking is one of my favorite hobbies (when my injuries allow it!).....Music is a big part of my life. I'll listen to pretty much everything. But Pearl Jam is my all-time favorite band.
Essential Kristin Flake Links...
- Kristin on MySpace: www.MySpace.com/TricepExtension
- The Kristin Flake Fan Space: www.MySpace.com/KFlakeFanSpace
Kristin Flake Video