Krystal Banks
Beautiful and blonde Krystal Banks is far from what most people think a professional wrestler should look like. To many, in fact, it would appear that the sexy Ms. Banks might be more at home in the pages of a bikini catalog than a locker room...but you'd be so, so wrong! Krystal has been taking on all challengers in her wrestling home base of Ontario, Canada...often alongside her favorite tag team partner, Cherry Bomb. Don't be surprised when you see Krystal Banks competing soon in rings across the U.S.

Krystal Banks' Stats...
- Height: 5' 5"
- Weight: 120
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Brown
- Hometown: Hollywood, California (USA)
Krystal Banks' Profile...
- How It Started: I met Robin Knightwing (Sexy Monkey) and we started talking about training. He said that the Neo Spirit wrestling school was very good...so he brought me by the school one day and I have been wrestling ever since.
- Gimmick: I am a control freak in the ring, which is exactly the opposite of my tag team partner Cherry Bomb. I will use whatever means necessary to win and usually have to convince her to do the same!
- Wrestling Style: More technical and hard hitting than high-flying.
- Gear: Whatever looks good on me...which is pretty much everything.
- Titles Held: New Vision Pro Wrestling Women's Champion; PWA Niagara's Prima Donna Champion; OSPW's Women's Champion.
- Biggest Win: All of them! However, most recently, I would have to say winning the PWA Niagara Women's Title.
- Worst Loss: I hate losing. I mean, really...who likes to lose?
- Favorite Type of Match: Tag matches so that I can wrestle along side my tag team partner, Cherry Bomb!
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Clotheslines; neck breakers.
- Finisher: "The Banks Shot" (Rude Awakening).
- Biggest Allies: Cherry Bomb; Superstar Jay Moore.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Danyah; Jen Blake.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Danyah; Misty Haven; 21st Century Fox.
- Career Highlight: Working with Cody Deaner on the Ballpark Brawl last summer.
- Favorite Wrestlers: HHH; Shawn Michaels; Ric Flair; Dangerboy Derek Wylde; TJ Harley.
- Wrestling Ambition: I would love to keep wrestling the indies for a while to gain knowledge and experience. Ideally, I would like to be able to wrestle for a living. I love what I do, so to be able to do it full-time would be awesome!
Krystal Banks' Personal Notes...
I am a Scorpio!.....Like every girl, I love shopping.....I have a weakness for chocolate chip cookie dough.....I am a HUGE dork!.....I'm a movie nut. I own somewhere around 600 DVDs!.....I would rather stay in with a movie than go out to a bar/club.