Hailing from British Columbia, Madison is one of Canada's most accomplished

Madison's Stats...
- Height: 5' 7"
- Weight: 126
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Blue
- Hometown: Vancouver, British Columbia (CAN)
Madison's Profile...
- How It Started: I have always been interested in doing the "out of the norm" thing. I used to sword fight and motorbike...I have trophies for both. So when I started to watch wrestling, it was kind of natural for me to think that I could do that. I have never been interested in the catty/girly scene on TV, but wrestlers like Chris Beniot and Dean Malenko caught my eye and I wanted to do what they were doing. I kind of pondered on the thought for a while...then I went to a WWE show that came to Vancouver in May of 2001. I thought to myself: "God, those guys look like they are having fun!" I started training two weeks later.
- Gimmick: I am a definite face most of the time. I like to get the fans to relate to me. I guess my gimmick is pretty much "the girl next door that everyone loves".
- Wrestling Style: I am a high flyer. I'm an adrenaline junkie so I like lucha and Japanese style wrestling. I like the rush of doing something dangerous. Yet, at the same time, I have a lot of respect for technical wrestling, chain and mat work.
- Gear: Oh geeze...it changes everyday. It's usually something sexy yet classy.
- Titles Held: CWF Intergender Tag Team Title; ECCW/NWA Canadian Womans Title; I am the current NWA World Womans Champ.
- Biggest Win: Winning my World Belt in front of my home crowd!
- Worst Loss: To Lelani Kai in Nashville, Tennesee at NWA-TNA...where I lost my NWA World Title.
- Favorite Type of Match: I would have to say a straight one-on-one match with a good opponent would have to be my favorite kind of match.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Hurricanrana; Stunner; any other move I can pull out of nowhere.
- Finisher: Sunset Bomb (sunset flip from the top rope).
- Biggest Allies: Scotty Mac; Jay Jacobe; White Tiger; Nikki French; Abbadon; Matt Classic; Memphis Raines. Oooh so many others...I told you everyone likes me!
- Most-Hated Enemies: Morgan; Avalon; Kittie; Griffon; Dropkick Murphy; Vance Nevada; OBD.
- Career Highlight: My career highlights would be winning back my belt from Charr Starr and defeating Griffon at Bridgeview Hall in Surrey. That was one of the best matches of my career. Also, meeting the fans in Korea.
- Favorite Wrestlers: This is soooo hard! OK...Dean Malenko, Chris Beniot, Dragon Kidd, Jerry Lynn, Rey Mysterio, Victoria, Molly Holly, Ivory and about a thousand others.
- Wrestling Ambition: My ambitions as a wrestler are to establish a successful overseas career and then on to the WWE. That is it, plain and simple. I want success everywhere.
Madison's Personal Notes...
I have always wanted to be a Vet. I am such a sap when it comes to our furry friends. I am very compassionate when it comes to all things that rely on others for protection or for their basic needs (ie. children and animals).....Because of my busy schedule, I am unable to keep any pets even though it goes against every grain of my being.....I am horrible to watch movies with because I normally cry throughout the film!.....I am a clean freak and I like my house or (more often than not) my motel room to be nice and tidy with everything in its place.....I am very close to my mother and love her to pieces. Same with my father. Although they are not together anymore, they both support me 100% in wrestling. I have a brother who thinks I am the coolest gal on the planet and loves that I am a wrestler!.....I have had the same best friend since Grade 1. Her name is Ashlee.....I am one of those weird people who listens to every kind of music out there, from opera to heavy metal.....I am not really a night club gal. I am more of a pub/playing pool kind of person.
Essential Madison Links...
- Visit the Web site of...: Madison
- Madison wrestles for... : Extreme Canadian Championship Wrestling