What do you call a woman who is 6' 5" tall, weighs 260 pounds and knows how to handle herself in the ring? We don't know. But whatever you call her...she damn well better like it! NYX is quite possibly the most powerful and itimidating female on the indy scene today. This woman dwarfs all of the female--and most of the male--competitors she faces. And "playing nice" is not at the top of her Things To Do list. A devastatingly powerful wrestler, NYX is the type of athlete who is more than capable of dominating the Women's Division of the sport!

NYX's Stats...
- Height: 6' 5"
- Weight: 260
- Hair: Red
- Eyes: Blue
- Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
NYX's Profile...
- How It Started: I had always watched wrestling and gone to all the live events at the Civic Arena (yes...when it was still the Civic Arena) in Pittsburgh. I went to my first event when I was eight. I remember a guy sitting next to me offered to buy me a beer. That really pissed-off my uncle who had brought us (my brother, cousins and myself) to the event. I was very tall at eight...somewhere around 5' 8" or so...and looked much older than I was. It was funny. My uncle made me change seats with him and gave the guy dirty looks all night. I continued to watch wrestling throughout high school and college. While in college, I was working security at a WCW event at the A.J. Palumbo Center at Duquesne University (my alma mater) when a local promoter approached me. I was on a basketball scholarship then and couldn't risk getting injured. But after I finished with basketball, I started training with the PWX.
- Gimmick: Goth-Diva, hard-ass, guy-beating dominatrix, bodyguard, enforcer...all the things that go with my size and attitude. Overall, a gothic goddess who takes no crap from anyone, male or female, in or out of the ring. NYX is my character name, and it comes from Greek mythology. She is one of the daughters of Zeus. I wear all black 99.9% of the time, and I usually carry a bullwhip, cat-o-nine tails or some other various dominatrix equipment to the ring. But I would NEVER use them in a match. That would be cheating! I am heel a lot, but fans always seem to like me...so I usually end up as one of those characters that doesn't fit into either catagory. I am what the crowd gives me. Heat is heat. Love me, great...hate me, great! Just react to me and what I do.
- Wrestling Style: Power wrestler, brawler and occasional rule-breaker if I am in a heel storyline. But I also like to use as many technical moves as I can work into a match. I greatly appreciate the training I received and like to utilize it where it fits the match/story.
- Gear: Black leather and a lot of sheer, goth-type designs. I make my own costumes (and many for others in the APWF). I design for my mood. Sometimes it's just a straight "dominatrix, hard-core, don't even think about messing with me" look. Other times it's a sexy dominatrix look with a softer edge to use against guys. My boots are Army-issue combat boots with wrestling soles that an old cobbler made up for me when I started. That's the only part of my gear that doesn't change...although I have a lovely pair of calf high, four-inch block heel boots that I wear if I am just doing a spot or two in someone else's match.
- Titles Held: APWF Hardcore Champion.
- Biggest Win: Beating "Gentleman Jo Perry" (former PWX manager) by a Boston crab submission in a mixed-tag match in McKeesport, PA in 1996. Ron "The Beast" Williams was my partner. It was a huge crowd, my first full match, and I had a blast.
- Worst Loss: I've never lost a singles match. But at a recent APWF show in Big Run, PA, having Bad Bubba Brewer take me out and then allowing Princess Jade to drop a leg on me was pretty terrible. I don't really like letting fluff chicks like that get near me.
- Favorite Type of Match: Whatever a booker hires me for. Although, I prefer no-disqualification matches... that way I can use my "toys".
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Chokeslam; powerbomb.
- Finisher: See "Favorite Moves/Holds"!
- Biggest Allies: An ally? You're kidding, right?!
- Most-Hated Enemies: I've only worked in the same fed with Stacy Hunter for a short time...but it's long enough to know that I don't like her!
- Career Highlight: Taking The Fabulous Moolah and Mae Young to lunch before a show they did for the APWF in DuBois, PA. I learned more about the business in that hour than I could have ever imagined.
- Favorite Wrestlers: I like all the big guys: Kane, Undertaker...the guys who are big but can still move well. Women wrestlers? I don't know. I liked Chyna, but she's gone. I do respect Trish Stratus, however. She began as fluff, but has really shown that she has put in a lot of work into becoming someone able to work a match. I respect that a lot. She could have been satisfied with remaining fluff...but she has moved beyond that.
- Wrestling Ambition: Who knows? Time will tell.
NYX's Personal Notes...
I have been a professional Tarot card reader for over ten years. I currently read cards at the Dragon's Cache Gift Shop in Cooks Forest, PA on Sundays......I also make jewelry, specializing in seed bead work. I do a lot of custom orders for wedding parties, birthday gifts, etc.....I love to read, especially Stephen King, Douglas Adams, Frank Herbert and Johnathan Kellerman.....I'm an avid seamstress. I make my own costumes, and make costumes for many other wrestlers when the need arises. I also make Renassaince clothing for medevil reinactors (myself included).....I collect Dragons. I have over 2,000 of them in various media!.....Pets? How about six dogs, ten cats and a tarantula?!.....If you want to write to me, my email address is: faust200250@yahoo.com
Essential NYX Links...
- NYX wrestles for...: RAH Wrestling