Jessica Dalton
a.k.a. ODB
No gimmicks. No catch phrases. No fancy gear. "The ODB" Jessica Dalton doesn't need them! This lady is focused on one thing and one thing only: wrestling her way to the top. The buffed-out body and no-nonsense, determined attitude of Dalton is taking her exactly where she wants to go. This

Jessica Dalton's Stats...
- Height: 5' 6"
- Weight: 130
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Brown
- Hometown: Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA)
Jessica Dalton's Profile...
- How It Started: I've always been a fan of pro wrestling. My brother and I would always watch when we were kids. We used to go to all sorts of indy shows to watch guys like the Killer Bees and Buck Zumhoffe. I never thought that it would be possible for someone to become a wrestler because to me, these characters were larger than life. I actually wanted to become an American Gladiator and wanted to have big muscles like the women on that show. Then I found out that there were several wrestling schools in the Minneapolis area. So I went out and hired a personal trainer to help me get buff before I would even attempt to step foot into one of those schools. Then WWE advertised for people to send in their video tapes for Tough Enough, so I gave it a shot. I made it into the Final 25 on the first episode of Tough Enough One, but then got cut. I was down but not out! So as soon as I got back home, I searched around and finally joined MPW's training camp. I was initially trained by Dan Schaffner and Terry Klinger (Shifty and Sherriff Johnny Emerald, respectively). I have learned a lot however from the many workers who I've come into contact with on an almost weekly basis...and it's definitely a work in progress. I will never be satisfied with where I'm at and I will continue to strive to be the best woman wrestler to ever come out of the Upper Midwest.
- Gimmick: All business...no nonsense approach in the ring. I don't use a gimmick to get myself over. What I do is be myself and then turn the volume all the way up! My physical stature, intensity, and respect for the business speaks for itself.
- Wrestling Style: I use a mixture of all styles of wrestling. I feel that in order to truly be a great worker, one needs to be able to change styles according to who you're working with to some degree. I don't do anything fancy...my ass don't fly!
- Gear: Actual wrestling boots! HA! Black patent leather boots, and skimpy black shorts and top.
- Titles Held: First-ever female to hold the MPW Cruiserweight Championship. First ever SDW (Steel Domain Wrestling) Woman's Champion.
- Biggest Win: SDW Woman's Title (with a little help from my good friend Sensational Sherri Martel...hee hee!).
- Worst Loss: Losing the MPW Cruiserweight Championship for being a woman.
- Favorite Type of Match: Any match that tells a story and has a buildup of some sort.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Chops.
- Biggest Allies: Nobody. I trust no one.
- Most-Hated Enemies: My next opponent.
- Career Highlight: My matches with Shawn Davairi or Kamikaze Ken Anderson rank up there in my mind. They all told good stories and were a lot of fun.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Jericho and The Rock for mic skills. Triple H for wrestling ability. All time fave: Macho Man Randy Savage!
- Wrestling Ambition: To be the best that I can be and continue to learn each day. I hope that someday, my drive and ambition will earn me a full-time job in this business that I love!
Jessica Dalton's Personal Notes...
I have an older brother named Travis who gives me all the support that a person could expect out of a sibling. He's always coming up with new ideas for me as far as moves, stories, promos, etc.....My parents, Carol and Dave, are absolutely wonderful and support me every step of the way.....I don't have any pets, but I have a special place in my heart for my brother's two pugs, Hank and Lenny!.....I spend my spare time hanging-out at the gym, on the road, or just sightseeing and doing spur of the moment stuff.....My hobbies include bodybuilding and watching old wrestling tapes.....I also enjoy watching tapes of 90210 (which I have every episode of on tape!).....I played hockey in high school and also in college at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota. I was a goalie.....I also worked as an intern for one year at my favorite place on the face of this planet: Disney World!