Little Jeanne
a.k.a. Sweet Destiny
Over the past decade, Little Jeanne (a.k.a. Sweet Destiny) has become one of the most recognized and sought after ladies in the wrestling business. When this young lady hits the ring, the crowd on hand is in for a treat! Whether she's suplexing an opponent from the top rope, mixing it up on the mat or sailing off the ring apron in a high-flying aerial maneuver, they know that Jeanne is giving them all she's got. With a PPV appearance and WCW television work on her resume, look for this superstar to push the ladies division even further into the forefront of pro wrestling!

Little Jeanne's Stats...
- Height: 5' 3"
- Weight: 145 (on a good day!)
- Hair: Dark Brown
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hometown: New York City, New York (USA)
Little Jeanne's Profile...
- How It Started: I had some friends who were involved with the wrestling business. One day at a pool party, I was horsing around in the pool with a few of the boys and Tracey Smothers started to suplex me in the pool. That was it...I fell in love with the sport after that. I never really watched it too much on television, but to physically do it was great. Jason Knight and a few other people told me to go to Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn, New York, and train under Johnny Rodz..."unpredictable Johnny Rodz"...who is in the WWF Hall Of Fame. So I went in to see him about training. But he didn't want to teach a female. He told me that I was wasting my money because I was just going to quit after the first month. But he didn't know that you just don't tell me I can't do something. When I hear that, it just makes me more determined! By him saying that, he made me want to join and succeed. Training was very difficult because I was the only woman there. Lets face it: wrestling is a male dominated sport. I think that some of the guys I trained with felt like I had no right to be there. There were some guys that really took the time to train me and give me hope to come in everyday: Spanish Angel, Willy and Larry. I owe them a lot. The rest of the guys had no choice but to accept me because I was not going leave! I remember one guy actually trying to hurt me on purpose to get me out of the school. He wanted to make me quit. He eventually hyper-extended my ankle. After a little bit of healing time, I was able to walk on it. I figured...if I could walk I could wrestle. So I got right back into training. It was funny, but Johnny always had remedies for everything. For my ankle, he told me to mix vinegar and Epsom salt together, put it on a bandage, and put it around the injury. Then wrap it all with plastic wrap and leave it over night. It worked! And Johnny taught me the most important lesson of all: he taught me about the business. There is so much to know...anyone just starting out wouldn't believe it. Johnny soon became a second father to me and his wife, Ellen, became a second mother. And the guys I trained with finally accepted me into the family. It wasn't long before Hillbilly Cousin Luke gave me my first match and I started doing shows pretty regularly.
- Gimmick: I have developed many different characters. But my two main ones are Sweet Destiny and Little Jeanne. Sweet Destiny was my first character. She started off as a country girl (yes, I do listen to country music), then she slowly evolved into a flashy, go-getter type with no real gimmick. But then there is Little Jeanne...the complete opposite of Sweet Destiny. Jeanne is the nasty, vicious little mob gangster from Brooklyn.
- Wrestling Style: My wrestling style depends on my opponent. If I am wrestling a big girl, then I will do more high flying moves. With a girl my size, I'll stick to more of an old school match. Against a girl smaller then me, I'll just power the hell out of her! It also depends on what character I am that night.
- Gear: Sweet Destiny always has a flashy outfit. Little Jeanne can always be found entering the ring with her hat and pin stripe suit.
- Titles Held: I've held many women's and men's titles. Too many to list here!
- Biggest Win: My biggest win was on the 1999 Pay-Per-View "Rodman Down Under". I wrestled and defeated Brandi Wine.
- Worst Loss: My biggest loss was against Mona on my WCW television match. I hated losing to that damn goodie-good! It still makes me sick!
- Favorite Type of Match: I like a good one-on-one old school match. I don't really care for all the gimmick matches because I feel they take a lot away from the wrestling.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: My favorite move is the suplex. Something about snapping an opponent's body around that I really enjoy. As far as a favorite hold, I love clamping on a figure-four.
- Finisher: My favorite finisher is either a top rope suplex or a German suplex. If times are desperate, I will use a crucifix or a school girl.
- Most-Hated Enemies: I will always be ready to kick Brandi Wine's butt...along with the rest of the blondes in the wrestling business!
- Career Highlight: Receiving the Rookie Of The Year Award from the PGWA was a big moment. The first time you see yourself in a magazine is really cool, too! My ultimate highlight was when I was on tour in Peru...I called my mother to check my messages and she told me WCW called and they wanted to book me! That was my first really big break.
- Wrestling Ambition: I want to become a well-known, household name...for the right reasons. Not because of T&A, but for being a great entertainer and wrestler. I want to pursue an acting career as well.
Little Jeanne's Personal Notes...
I love going to college and continuously educating myself. I love knowledge and learning.....I am very artistic. In fact, I was studying for a while to become an animation artist.....Nature fascinates me. I'm a huge animal lover.....I feel very strongly that if you put your mind to anything, you can accomplish it.....I believe in staying drug-free, and I preach that when I talk to children.....I love to cook
Latest Little Jeanne News...
I'm back...and even meaner then before!
Essential Little Jeanne Links...
- Visit the Little Jeannie Yahoo! Club...: The Little Jeanne Fan Club