A former manager who trained relentlessly to make it into the action taking place inside the ropes, Synndy has been continuing her hard work as she works her way up the competitive ladder. Based in Upstate New York, Synndy has been competing against many of New England's top ladies. Her match against Ariel at

Synndy's Stats...
- Height: 5' 5"
- Weight: 135
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Icy Blue
- Hometown: Rochester, New York (USA)
Synndy's Profile...
- How It Started: I've loved wrestling since I was little. (I was the only girl in middle school with Hulk Hogan & Jake The Snake Roberts book covers!) A friend of a friend was a wrestler and he had a group of us come to a local show. I went...and immediately knew I HAD to do this! I begged and pleaded until they finally let me in to manage. I started training...a lot of training...and here I am.
- Gimmick: I've done everything from an evil school girl to a personal assistant to Santa's Little Helper. Right now, I'm doing a Roller Girl gimmick which is fun. When I wrestle, I'm pretty much just me. I like to jump and dance around a lot. I try to be friendly with everyone and just have fun.
- Wrestling Style: Technical.
- Gear: Depends what I'm doing. I'm learning how to make my own gear so my outfits are changing a lot. I like shiny or sparkly stuff (think Trish Stratus kinda gear).
- Titles Held: RCW Cruiserweight Champ (first and only woman to hold a belt in Rochester history!).
- Biggest Win: Winning the RCW Cruiser Championship in a
3-Way Dance against Rob Schulz and El Cmar. - Worst Loss: To Ariel in my first NWA-Upstate match (and the first NWA Upstate woman's match in history!). I put up one hell of a fight, but she beat me fair and square.
- Favorite Type of Match: One-on-one...but tags are fun, too.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Sunset Flip; Roll-Up; Suplex; Rolling Neck Snap.
- Finisher: The Deadliest Synne (mexican surfboard into a pin); The Sweetest Synne (my version of The Stratusfaction).
- Biggest Allies: Ariel; Miss Deville; Kayla; 21st Century Fox; Brodie Lee; Freddy The Midnight Sex Machine; Dunn & Marcos.
- Most-Hated Enemies: I really don't have any enemies, although Kenny Casanova continues to be a thorn in my side!
- Career Highlight: A tie between winning the RCW Crusierweight Title and facing Ariel in my first NWA Upstate match. It was my first match with my "home fed" so it was amazing.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Trish Stratus (I look up to her A LOT and try to model myself after her); Chyna; Molly Holly; Victoria; Chris Benoit; Kurt Angle; Bret Hart; Chris Daniels; AJ Styles.
- Wrestling Ambition: To go as far as I can! I wanna make it as far as I can go while having a blast and making friends along the way.
Synndy's Personal Notes...
I am a student in college right now. I am studying to become a High school English teacher.....My favorite writer is Ralph Waldo Emerson.....I love listening to music and I listen to a lil' bit of everything. Foo Fighters are my favorite, but I also adore Billy Joel, Elvis, Lonestar and Luadcris.....I have an obsession with Tinkerbell. I love cartoons and fun things like that.....Carebears rule! Good Luck Bear is the best!.....I like to drive and go on road trips with my boys. They are the greatest..... I enjoy reading (the Harry Potter series is my favorite).....I love to write and I am always writing short stories.....I really like to play card games! Euchre and UNO are my two favorite games in the world! In fact, I beat the one and only Kenny Casanova as well as Marty The Party Vain in their OWN game of Hardcore UNO, taking THEIR Jamacian UNO Belt! Check out Kenny's site for more info on Hardcore Uno!.....My little brother is my biggest fan and the best little brother in the world.....I think that's about it for me. Wrestling is everything to me!
Essential Synndy Links...
- Synndy wrestles for...: NWA-Upstate