Although still in the early stages of her career,

Pandora's Stats...
- Height: 5' 5"
- Weight: 115
- Hair: Red-brown
- Eyes: Hazel
- Hometown: Brooklyn, New York (USA)
Pandora's Profile...
- How It Started: I got involved in wresting because I have been watching it for a long time (my mother started taking me to live events at a young age). I've always been very active and Lita's high flying
-- as well as Trish Stratus' awesome advancement in the business-- really inspired me. When Trish came in she was just a plain Jane, but by seeing her advance and watching her from day one up to now has been a great inspiration to me that if you put your heart into it, it can be done. - Gimmick: Cross between bad girl and little girl (who is married to a serial killer, Nicholas Grendal).
- Wrestling Style: My wrestling style is high flying, rule-breaking and, if called for, I can chain wrestle. I do not prefer to use submissions.
- Gear: Ruffled bloomers, cartoon character shirts, pig-tails, dog collar, black makeup on one eye...and I carry a stuffed animal with me at all times.
- Titles Held: BWA Women's Title.
- Biggest Win: I would say my biggest so far was for a pharmaceutical company which sponsered a mixed tag team match with me and three other male students at my school. It didn't advance my wrestling career, but it was only my third month training and the crowd consisted of 2000 people...so it was the feeling of all those people watching me for the first time.
- Worst Loss: At HWA in Ohio when I teamed with Leilani Kai. Unfortunately, we lost agaist Christie Ricci and AJ Sparks.
- Favorite Type of Match: Mixed-tag and triple-threat.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissor; Sunset Flip (off the top rope); Bulldog; X-Factor.
- Finisher: Diamond Cutter (off the top rope) or a Superplex.
- Biggest Allies: Nicholas Grendal and Rapture...my fellow members of Twisted Karma.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Anyone not in Twisted Karma.
- Career Highlight: So far,it would have to be the PGWA promo I did because it was the first time I chain wrestled, and it was the first time I saw myself on the internet promoting wrestling.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Jay Fury; Christy Ricci; Ray Gordy; Stone Cold; Lita; The Dudley Boys.
- Wrestling Ambition: My wrestling ambition is to travel in the indies and get a lot of experience...and then hopefully make it to the WWE. I would also like to get into NWA/TNA.
Pandora's Personal Notes...
I was born in Brooklyn, New York.....I joined the military
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