Possessing a sculpted body, muscles to spare and a serious ring attitude, Trinity is looking to make her mark on the world of women's wrestling. Participating in many rigorous and extreme sports

Trinity's Stats...
- Height: 5' 6"
- Weight: 125
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Green
- Hometown: Long Island, New York (USA)
Trinity's Profile...
- How It Started: I've always loved wrestling. I wrestled in High School and played almost every sport throughout school. When I went to college, I got into more extreme sports...which led me to a career as a professional stuntwoman. Through the years, I have had various wrestling stunt jobs and they made me want to break into pro wrestling. I visited Akklaim while a stunt coordinator was working on a video game for ECW. There, I met some of the wrestlers and got in the ring and learned some moves. Then I was handed a script about backyard wrestling that needed a stunt coordinator. While getting the job together, I bought a wrestling ring and went down to a school to look for wrestlers. As it turned out, I wound up signing up and training...and I was hooked!
- Gimmick: Trinity...The real live superhero! But don't mistake my kindness for weakness. I always pray for the safety of all of us in and out of the
ring. The meaning of the state of being three
-- Mind, Body and Soul-- which I consider my style of wrestling and life. I'm a technical mat wrestler...a luchador high-flyer...and bad-ass brawler! The Untamed Spirit. The Female Phenom. The New York Knockout! - Wrestling Style: I can do it all!
- Gear: Constantly changing, like me. But you'll always find a "T" somewhere.
- Titles Held: I'm the top female in TNA!
- Biggest Win: When I defeated the "X" Division Champ, Kid Kash, one-on-one in a non-title match.
- Worst Loss: None!
- Favorite Type of Match: I love them all! No-holds-barred, battle royals, mixed tags, six-man tags, cage matches, hardcore, catfights, lingerie matches, lol!
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Fuji Arm Bar; Dragon Suplex; Moonsaults; Hurricanrannas.
- Finisher: Falling From Grace.
- Biggest Allies: Goldylocks; Desire; Daizy Haze.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Never reveal!
- Career Highlight: My years with TNA!
- Favorite Wrestlers: So many for so many reasons...
- Wrestling Ambition: To always stay safe, to always have fun...and to enjoy the ride!
Trinity's Personal Notes...
I am currently a Professional Stunt Woman and Pro Wrestler. I've been doing stunt work for many years in movies, TV shows, commercials and live stunt shows.....I have tons of hobbies which makes for a well-rounded stuntwoman. All my hobbies are for work and fun. That's why I do the things I do.....I have many credits and hobbies that you can check out on my resumes and in pictures on my website.....The things I do the most now are golf, climbing, horseback riding, jet skiing, surfing, snowboarding and spending time with my animals...when I'm not busy with my wrestling and stuntwork, of course!
Essential Trinity Links...
- Visit Trinity's Web site at...: TrinityWrestling.com