Trixie Heart
Trixie Heart can best be described as fun loving and fan friendly. In her old-school gear that reminds many fans of the 50s, 60s and 70s, Trixie pays tribute to that "golden age" of women's wrestling. But what Trixie really strives to do is entertain the fans as she fights for what is good and fair in an attempt to hang onto her title belts.

Trixie Heart's Stats...
- Height: 5' 4"
- Weight: 130
- Hair: Blonde
- Eyes: Blue
- Hometown: Alabama (USA)
Trixie Heart's Profile...
- How It Started: I watched wrestling on TV and thought it would be fun to try. I had a friend who knew the folks at ACW. I got trained and I have been having a blast at it ever since. I especially like the characters and gimmicks I have used.
- Gimmick: I am a fan favorite, comeback kid type. I like to meet and greet my fans and show my appreciation to them for their support.
- Wrestling Style: Old-School, but beginning to learn some new school stuff as of late.
- Gear: Black, pink & yellow one peice outfit; black boots; knee pads and kick pads.
- Titles Held: Central States Women's Champion; USWF Women's Champion.
- Biggest Win: Winning my championship belts.
- Worst Loss: Getting squashed by Hott Lipps.
- Favorite Type of Match: Singles.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Cross body block; monkey flip; dropkick.
- Finisher: Second rope cross body block; bulldog.
- Biggest Allies: Rowdy Randell Williams; Vinny Mac; Wildchild; Chris Fargo.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Hott Lipps Lynn Farley; Intern; Kornerstone.
- Toughest Opponent(s): Hott Lips Lynn Farley...cuz she took my title and she's been a thorn in my side!
- Career Highlight: Dragging Hott Lipps out into the parking lot by her hair and getting a huge pop from the fans; winning the eight woman battle royal; Defeating Kara Kildare for the Central States Championship; winning the USWF Women's Championship.
- Favorite Wrestlers: Victoria; Krissy Vaine.
- Wrestling Ambition: I want to win as many titles as I can, make lots of money, entertain the fans as best I can, and hope the fans like me face or heel.
Trixie Heart's Personal Notes...
I came to the U.S. from England and I love it here.....I have three cats: Jimmy, Morgan and Tuesday.....I've built a pond in my backyard that I have had a lot of fun doing.....I love puzzles and puzzle type video games that make me think.....I like all kinds of music, from country to metal. I have somewhat of a unique taste in music as well...like the War Of The Worlds musical.....I like DIY stuff and have done a lot since I have been here at my house.
Essential Trixie Heart Links...
- Visit Trixie's home page...: Trixie Heart