Violet Flame
If you're looking for a wrestler with talent, technical proficiency, strength, ring-savvy, courage AND incredible beauty...look no further than Violet Flame. This Killer Kowalski-trained wrestler enjoys nothing more than a good, clean ring battle. But get her dander up by using some questionable tactics and who knows what she might do to even the score! The fans who watch Violet in action enjoy nothing more than cheering her on...because when this young lady is in the ring, there's no telling what might happen. Expect great things when Violet Flame climbs through the ropes!

Violet Flame's Stats...
- Height: 5' 4"
- Weight: 130
- Hair: Brunette
- Eyes: Blue/Green
- Hometown: Hamburg, New York (USA)
Violet Flame's Profile...
- How It Started: Becoming a professional wrestler was always my dream. Growing up, I started out as a Hulkamaniac...but when I saw Leilani Kai versus Wendi Richter at Wrestlemania there was no turning back! Ever since that moment, I wanted to get into the ring to become a professional wrestler!
- Gimmick: Killer Kowalski gave me the name Violet Flame. I must say I'm not clear on the origin of it, but I know it is supposed to be a powerful force to cleanse your aura. I guess he thought I was a powerful force!
- Wrestling Style: Technical.
- Gear: Anything with purple in it, although I've branched out to a lot of different colors recently...most one piece swimsuits and nylons...but I do have a couple of two piece outfits as well!
- Titles Held: IWF Ladies Championship (2-times); EWA Ladies Championship; NWA-NE Ladies Championship; UWA Ladies Championship; NECW Ladies Championship.
- Biggest Win: Over Amanda Storm to win the NWA-NE Ladies Championship. This was the first time NWA-NE had had a Ladies Championship, so I was proud to be the first one to hold it!
- Worst Loss: Defeated by Chyna for the IWF Ladies Championship. It was my first title loss, so I was disappointed. But considering the career she went on to have, I guess I can't be too embarrassed!
- Favorite Type of Match: One-on-one singles competition. I do enjoy tag matches as well, but have never had a steady partner that I have gotten in a groove with.
- Favorite Moves/Holds: Side-Headlock Takeover...if done correctly, your opponent has to go down. I also like to use a lot of holds, especially leg holds like the figure-4, step over toe hold, etc. I'm smaller than a lot of my opponents, so targeting the legs has always made sense to me.
- Finisher: Double-Underhook DDT.
- Biggest Allies: Current IZW Commissioner "Strangler" Steve King; 2CW wrestlers Zachary Springate III and JD Love; WWW mainstays Nikki Roxx, Ariel and Amber.
- Most-Hated Enemies: Erica D'Errico; Jana; Luscious Latasha.
- Toughest Opponent(s): I've had a lot of tough opponents. A lot of the toughest were girls who were bigger than me, starting with Brittany Brown and moving on through Chyna and Amanda Storm. I've also recently had hard-fought matches with Amy Lee, Nikki Roxx and Cindy Rogers. There has always been tough competition out there...and now there seems to be more of it than ever!
- Career Highlight: Having the opportunity to travel to England to film a wrestling show for British television in early-2000. I've also had the opportunity to be a part of the CRUSH TV taping in Minnesota, have managed Psicosis against Konnan in California and filmed a couple of movies in Arkansas (check out www.darknightfilms.com if interested). But best of all, I've met tons of great people!
- Favorite Wrestlers: Leilani Kai; The Fabulous Moolah; Wendi Richter; Desiree Peterson; Patty Bray...almost all of whom I have had the opportunity to meet if not wrestle!
- Wrestling Ambition: WWE!
Violet Flame's Personal Notes...
In 2007 I became part owner of a restaurant in Cave Creek, AZ (Saguaro Grille if you're in the area!) and moved across the country from the Northeast to the Southwest. So that is taking up a lot of my time at the moment. I have started wrestling out here for IZW though, and hope to keep busy in the ring as much as possible.....At home, I have two cats that keep me company: a ten year old named Maggie and an eight year old kitten named Paco! Now, I know that eight years old isn't exactly a kitten, but he's so small and lovable, he's still a kitten to me!.....And my favorite color? You guessed it: PURPLE!
Essential Violet Flame Links...
- Violet's website: Violet-Flame.com