Low-Down & Dirty In Tennessee
We continue today with the SSW tag match which we've been following over the past couple of days. At this point in the match, the action has turned decided dirty...make that low down and dirty!...much to the dismay of Misty James. Not many words are needed to describe the punishment the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl endured at the boots of the vile Sarah Lynn. Wally's pictures speak for themselves. Needless to say, the nasty below-the-belt attack was not one that endeared Ms. Lynn to the fans who witnessed it in person.
This is the kind of attack that would leave many wrestlers writhing on the mat in agony and most definitely leaving the ring with a loss. Is that the fate of Misty James and her partner? We'll find out tomorrow...
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally