She's Looked At Life From Both Sides Now...
After looking at some of the multitude of pictures on LuFisto's site recently, we've come to the conclusion that she must have been the inspiration for the Judy Collins hit "Both Sides Now"...
"I've looked at life from both sides now,
From win and lose and still somehow...
From give and take and still somehow,
It's life's illusions I recall.
I really don't know life at all."
That seems to sum up LuFi's experiences in the ring. One minute she's on one side...such as when she's tearing into poor Danyah's face with a vicious, mouth-ripping claw...then she's on the other, receiving and equally nasty face rake from a male opponent (below). One side: smashing the bottom of her boot into the face of a downed foe. The other side: getting a boot stomp from some clown. Side A: landing with a rib-crunching back splash on a pulverized enemy. The flip-side: looking up to see an enraged Kong coming down with a full body splash from above.
Yes, LuFisto has definitely seen both sides of things during her many years in the wrestling ring!