Brawl-stralian Rules?
Have you ever seen Australian Rules Football? It's a rough and tumble sport with bodies flying all over the place as each side goes all out to score the most goals ("behinds", too...if they have to resort to them).
Anyway, we thought of the sport when we saw last month's SHIMMER match between our two new Australian G.L.O.R.Y Girls Kellie Skater and Jessie McKay. Before the bell, Skater waited nonchalantly in her corner for McKay to enter the ring. Perhaps she was taking the upcoming match a little too lightly...
Once the match started there were bodies flying all over the place as the girls made use of every inch of mat...not to mention the six to eight feet above the mat, too! After leap-frogging the charging Skater [Picture #2], McKay took her down hard with a rolling armdrag [ #3]. Kellie was again flying through the air when Jessie nailed her with a tough bodyslam, driving the surprised wrestler down to the mat [ #4]. This certainly wasn't the way Skater was expecting the match to go when she was waiting in her corner earlier!
McKay was flying this time, but it was still Skater taking the abuse as Jessie lined her up and dropped a perfect elbow drop into the rib area [ #5]. Kellie Skater realized that she was in trouble and had to turn this match around quickly. She did it by slowing things down...effectively grounding the action...and resorting to some good old-fashioned brawling.
Trapping McKay in the corner, Kellie went to work with some stinging chops to the upper chest [ #6]. It really got nasty when the Rate Tank balled up that right hand and switched from chops to pounding fists into the head and back of her stunned opponent
Now that we think of it, Australian rules football seems like a tea party compared to the way these two ladies went at each other!
Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally

Wrestlin' Wally