We Got Really Scared...
Scared. Really scared. Yup, when AmyLee threatens you, that's what you get. And then when you see pictures like those featured on today's POD, you get really, R-E-A-L-L-Y scared!
So when AmyLee...ummm...."politely inquired" as to when her new profile was going to get posted to the G.L.O.R.Y. site, we decided that we'd better get right on it. And we did. Check out AmyLee's brand new G.L.O.R.Y. Profile just posted to the site. All new info, pictures, video and more of the big, bad, biker chick. We hope you like it. We hope AmyLee likes it. In fact, we're praying she likes it!
Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally