Blonde On Blonde
Have you checked out the latest SLAMpegs now available over at Lexie's SLAMminLadies.com website? One of the new matches features two of G.L.O.R.Y.'s favorite blondes...Angel Williams and Krissy Vaine (a.k.a. Kristin Astara). The match was a scheduled two-out-of-three falls affair. But we're not so certain that they needed that third fall, because it looks to us from today's action shots that Angel is making mincemeat out of the beautiful Vaine. Apparently there's nothing like getting two gorgeous blondes in a wrestling ring to bring their competitive natures to a boil!
Click here to head over to SLAMminLadies.com and watch a FREE preview clip from this match. If you like what you see (and we're sure you will) you can download the entire match to your hard drive for just a few dollars. Always plenty of bang for your buck with SLAMmin' Ladies action!

