Josie Likes Blonde Hair?
Okay...maybe Josie isn't a big fan of blonde hair. But it certainly seems as though the G.L.O.R.Y. Girl likes to use it to do damage to her opponent. And when the opponent under that blonde hair is one of the Blossom twins, Josie really seems to be interested in using it to do damage!
Take, for example, this April 2nd OVW tag match. Somehow, some way...Josie's hands managed to get tangled into some blonde Blossom hair. It took Josie only a few moments to decide how to go about getting her hands untangled. Simple. Just ram some Blossom face into the top turnbuckle! The vibration from the blow should easily get that pesky hair untangled from her grasp!
Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Wrestlin' Wally