Not Cherry's Night
Sometimes it's just a bad night all around no matter what you do. Such was the case for Cherry Bomb when she faced the arrogant RJ City at an Apocalypse Wrestling Federation event in Whitby, Ontario. City overwhelmed the popular G.L.O.R.Y. Girl with slams and suplexes...as well as illegal tactics such as the choke over the ring ropes that Mrs. Id captured below. Cherry stood up to the barrage of abuse far better than anyone in the crowd could have expected. But in the end, it just wasn't Cherry Bomb's night. Luckily, the All Knighters stormed the ring after the bell to save Cherry from sustaining any permanent injuries.
Mrs. Id
Bonus POD! Picture #2 Bonus POD!

Mrs. Id
Bonus POD! Picture #3 Bonus POD!

Mrs. Id
Bonus POD! Picture #4 Bonus POD!

Mrs. Id
Bonus POD! Picture #5 Bonus POD!

Mrs. Id
Bonus POD! Picture #6 Bonus POD!

Mrs. Id