The Under-Appreciated Headlock...
Today's lesson comes to us from Canadian G.L.O.R.Y. Girls Jennifer Blake and Cherry Bomb...who met on June 7th in St. Thomas, Ontario for PWX. More accurately, the lesson is being taught by Ms. Blake, with Cherry playing the part of the unwilling student!
Sometimes fans don't really appreciate the simple side headlock. A common hold...we've been seeing it in wrestling matches forever. But Jennifer Blake shows us (and Cherry Bomb) that this basic hold can be extremely effective.
Take a look at the blonde's face in this series of pictures as she clasps the hands, flexes her left arm and grinds her opponent's skull in the vice-like grip. You can tell from that intensity that she's putting a lot of effort into this basic wrestling maneuver. Cherry, on the other hand, can only try to withstand the pressure being applied to her head, the ringing in her ears and the lack of oxygen reaching her lungs as her face is buried against Blake's ribcage.
After this match, we have the feeling that Cherry Bomb has a much greater appreciation of the "simple" side headlock!
Mrs. Id

Mrs. Id

Mrs. Id