Photographer Spotlight: Ed Darcey
A big part of what makes G.L.O.R.Y. Wrestling popular is the contributions from the many photographers who share their work with the fans. Let's face it...most fans can't be in attendance at every wrestling event that interests them. These photogs give us a chance to see the ladies in action at the shows we can't attend or that are taking place halfway across the country. These photographers also provide a great service to the wrestling world in total: a lasting record of the event which will live on in the history of the sport.
One of the photogs who helps us keep on top of the action is Ed Darcey. A long-time fan of the ladies, Ed can always be found sitting in the stands at the biggest events taking place in the Northeast. It's not unusual to see Ed at two events in a single weekend. In fact, Ed's been known to snap the action at two separate events (taking place in two distant cities) on the same day! His face is a familiar one in arenas from Philadelphia through Boston.
April Hunter, who we see above in a desperate situation along the ring ropes, is one of Ed's favorite subjects. So too is newcomer Lacey Von Erich...who we see below preparing to eat some turnbuckle leather courtesy of G.L.O.R.Y. Girl Angel "Riptide" Orisini. (Ed seems to have provided a big boost to the barefoot battler's career with the action photos he has snapped of her.) Speaking of action, Ed captures a lot of it. Just take a look at our final Bonus POD of the day where Sara del Rey launches off the top ropes to take out Alicia and Portia Perez with a flying double-crossbody block.
You can appreciate Ed's photos even more when you learn that he captures much of this action from the stands or rows back in the ringside seats. Ed and his trusty camera usually don't have official ringside credentials. Amazingly, there's rarely a back of a head or a standing fan obscuring any of the action on which Ed focuses his lens!
Check out the links below to see more of Ed's photography in his Yahoo! Groups.
Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey

Ed Darcey